New Normals

The Skin Spot is an authorized dealer of Skinceuticals skincare products.  I stocked my shelves before the shutdown and have lots of inventory  I can deliver locally with same or next day delivery.  The boys have enjoyed accompanying me as we deliver to mailboxes.  Sometimes we even leave a painted rock behind. Please reach out if you want to restock or try something new. Supporting my business in this way keeps me afloat!  I have not been able to get any loans or PPP from the SBA at this time so your continued support is appreciated.


Navigating New Normals

As we continue to navigate this time I wanted to take a moment to truly say thank you. So many of you have reached out with encouraging messages and offered to pay for missed appointments. Many have been purchasing products from me and buying gift cards. I am humbled by the amount of support I’ve been surrounded with and it has inspired me to also support small business. We’re all alone together. 

Please give me patience and grace. 

The governor has given a green light for salons to reopen May 11. The details are fuzzy and I want to  safely reopen while meeting the state guidelines. My building holds more than 25 people and it would be difficult to maintain 6 feet of distance in my office. It’s also been hard to find masks and disinfecting solutions. I have these on hand as part of my normal business operations but the supply will dwindle quickly. The orders I placed before the world stopped have been cancelled. Please give me grace as I navigate the safest way for re-entry not only for my family but for you as well. The task of rescheduling missed appointments since March 23rd feels overwhelming to me as I want to be fair to everyone. I will reach out to you all one by one as able. the process of reopening remains fluid and changes rapidly.  If Indiana does have a resurgence I will make decisions quickly and reschedule as promptly as possible.

Many parents are facing lack of childcare as schools have closed and many summer camps are also cancelled. We even cancelled our family trip to Florida mid June. Speaking of family: my boys are having a harder time dealing with the isolation. They miss playing with friends and going to parks and playgrounds. My availability will definitely be affected by this. I'll be working Mondays and Fridays through June 1 as of now so we can  finish the school year. I'm also nervous about the possibility of resurgence.  I'lll continue to monitor the advice and guidelines as given by the World Health Organization as well as IN.GOV. You can read more on the stages of reopening the state by clicking the link below.

Coming In For An Appointment 

Please do not bring anyone with you to the appointment.  The number of people per building is limited and as you probably know many children can have this virus without any symptoms. I've added a link below with the most up to date symptoms from the CDC.  We will NOT  be taking temperatures on anyone before you enter the  office. I don't feel it's a true indication of illness.  This being said please do not come if: #1 you've been ill in the last seven days or if #2 anyone in your immediate family has been ill.  Please practice social distancing as you enter and exit the office.  Do not gather in the hallway.  Give the person exiting room before you enter. You must wear a mask upon entering my building and office and I'm still trying to determine if doing facials or anything involving the mouth is safe practice. We will have hand sanitizer and I will ask that you either wash hands in the bathroom or use the sanitizer. I will use universal precautions to sanitize between clients as well as adding a few new measures to help stop the spread like adding some time between clients to cut down on traffic win the building.

Just a word on Elearning

So I will never (not that I ever did) underestimate the incredible strength of our teachers.  My hope is that our teachers find more support surrounding them. Elearning is not the best for most (not all) grade school aged children.  One of my biggest challenges has been figuring out what to do with my youngest (Oliver) while devoting my attention to Hudson for Elearning.  Hudson cannot navigate it alone and we have uncovered some focus issues that we are going to need guidance with.  I give Carmel Clay Schools teachers and administrators so much credit for the way they have handled this situation.  We were not setup for any type of  virtual learning before this.  Everyone navigated it to the very best of their ability and they have exceeded expectations.  We will never forget Hudson's first grade teacher Mrs. Selvio. 
